
Fatemeh Nili

Management -

Maastricht University

I was born in 1992. Following my elementary school years, I was admitted to the National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (NODET) to continue my education at one of its affiliated high schools. Upon completing high school, I started my BSc studies in Industrial Engineering at Sharif University of Technology, the top-ranked university in Iran. During my undergraduate years, I became acquainted with the Graduate School of Management and Economics at Sharif University of Technology, where I curiously took some courses. This marked the onset of a significant shift in my life’s path, as I made the decision to pivot my educational path toward pursuing my education in MBA.

Studying MBA at Sharif University of Technology was a turning point in my life. Throughout that period, I actively engaged in various projects aimed at unravelling real-world organizational intricacies, ranging from strategic planning to analysis of organizational behavior case studies. Of particular fascination to me was the exploration of the role of organizational leaders in enhancing internalized motivation among followers. This intrigue led me to delve deeper, conducting further research and applying insights in various projects as a member of a management consulting team in an Iranian organization. I was consistently pondering how authentic behaviors of leaders may have positive effects on the performance of organizations. Seeking answers to these questions, I decided to continue my studies as a PhD student in management at Sharif University of Technology. Recognizing the significant role of startup teams in the advancement of developing countries, my PhD research focuses on the promising influences of authentic leadership in activating team mechanisms which drive innovation within startup teams.

To gain more profound scientific and professional experiences, I am currently pursuing a visiting opportunity under the supervision of a prominent researcher specializing in organizational behavior and teamwork at Maastricht University. I express sincere gratitude to all the benefactors and managers at the Haamee Institute, whose support has enabled me to pursue this visiting opportunity. I am deeply enthusiastic about applying the knowledge and insights derived from collaborative research with international researchers, as well as my participation in seminars and conferences, to make meaningful contributions to the research and education of the management field in Iran.

Fatemeh Nili

رشتۀ Management

در Maastricht University